Hey all, Well, it’s been a while since my last update, mostly because a lot’s been happening lately. I’ll try and summarise the main details briefly, and update further in other posts. Firstly, I finished and graduated from my programming course, and am very happy with how everything turned out. Our major game project (based
sorry for the strange Thunderbirds reference, it just popped in there. Well, we gave our presentations for game prototypes last week, and it all went very well. We had lots of awesome concept art to show off, a nicely polished game design and backstory, and a brief game prototype demonstrating some of the gameplay. We
Well, it’s been a busy couple of weeks, with lots to do on our AI assignment, and even more to be done on ‘Degradation’, our final Game Project. Being Team Lead is a lot of work, but it’s strangely enjoyable. Just takes a lot of work to make sure you stay on top of everything,
Hey all, as seems to keep on happening, the silent gaps in this blog are normally caused by lots of stuff happening, keeping me busy. We’ve recently started our final group projects at school, making a game from initial concept pitch to completed game. I started off giving a 1-minute pitch on what seemed then
well, it is for me at least, I’m sure it never went anywhere for you guys. Finally got the internet connected at home, so don’t need to rely on tethering the PC to my mobile and always worrying about download limits. Anyways, what’s happening. School’s been pretty busy lately, assignments are starting to build up.
Hey all, unfortunately, since moving house just over a month ago, we’re still waiting to have our internet connected, so I’m reduced to sporadic access at school and work, which is limiting in what I can do for school and indie project for the moment. Hopefully it will be fixed in the next week, but
I remember saying something about not letting too much time pass between blog posts Been very busy last couple of weeks on our graphics assignment at school. We did it over around 6 weeks in groups of three, with my part of the project being developing shader effects. We made an underwater submarine simultion, and
… and I can’t believe how much I’ve been looking forward to going back to school! Quite unheard of, but then again I guess it’s a sign I’m enjoying it. My mum’s still giving me serves about actually handing in assignments on time! Anyways, been back for a week now, second week starts in about
I did one of the saddest, geekiest things a person can do last night – I googled my own name. And the scary thing is, this website and my twitter feed came up in the 2nd and 3rd top entries. A search today from work showed me as 3rd and 4th (I wasn’t sure how
Hey all, Well, I’ve added a bit more info here on past and current projects, and added some extra info (Twitter account, Xbox and PSN Gamer ID pictures). Had a couple of issues with the website builder here, but after a bit of playing (deleting the changes, then doing the same stuff over again) it