I remember saying something about not letting too much time pass between blog posts Been very busy last couple of weeks on our graphics assignment at school. We did it over around 6 weeks in groups of three, with my part of the project being developing shader effects. We made an underwater submarine simultion, and
Well, most recent event for Cosmos Concerto was a presentation I gave on the development of the game, and our experiences in developing it, at last Tuesday’s meeting of the Melbourne Chapter of the Independent Game Developer’s Association (http://igdamelbourne NULL.org/). The night was lots of fun, and the presentation was well received, with people coming
…of leaving excessively long time between blog posts. Sorry about that. Things have been very busy lately. School’s back, assignments in full swing, and also doing lots of extra work for Cosmos Concerto, and also getting ready to move house next week. Also been having some very late nights lately getting ready for a presentation