I did one of the saddest, geekiest things a person can do last night – I googled my own name. And the scary thing is, this website and my twitter feed came up in the 2nd and 3rd top entries. A search today from work showed me as 3rd and 4th (I wasn’t sure how
Hey all, Well, I’ve added a bit more info here on past and current projects, and added some extra info (Twitter account, Xbox and PSN Gamer ID pictures). Had a couple of issues with the website builder here, but after a bit of playing (deleting the changes, then doing the same stuff over again) it
Hey all, Just to keep the updates coming regularly, even though there’s not much to be said in this one. I’ve done blogs before, and end up making a few very large posts, then giving up and abandoning it. I’m hoping to keep this one going in smaller chunks. Anyhoo, Xmas and New Years were
Hmm… didn’t end up getting as much done tonight as I would have hoped… Drake’s Fortune 2 got in the way. Great game, lots of fun. Getting into some really exciting bits. I’ve heard fantastic things about the train chase scene – haven’t got there yet, but can’t wait. Started up on DirectX, expanding on
Well, Xmas has been and gone, but for some reason they were still playing carols over the speakers in Safeways this morning. I don’t get that, but we’ll move on. Spent most of the morning and part of the afternoon playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1. Great game, very dramatic. Will get a copy
And it looks like I’ve finally gotten this thing working. You’ll have to excuse me while the wheels slowly start rolling, but I think I’m starting to get the hang of it all. This blog is basically going to be a running history of progress made on my game development projects. This will include actual