IGDA Meeting, May 10
Hey all,
Had a great meeting with IGDA Melbourne last week, with fantastic presentations from Tin Man Games on the reality and honest financials of being an indie game developer. Stephan Schutze and Trent Kusters spoke about personal branding, marketing, online presence and portfolios, and preparation for job applications and interviews. It ended up being a long night, but with a huge amount of information being available for people, and I was madly taking fown notes for myself – hopefully soon you’ll see some updates to this website to reflect some of the suggestions given on the night. I’ve written a piece on the IGDA website about the night, and you can check it out here (http://igdamelbourne NULL.org/2011/05/igda-wrap-up-money-marketing-and-you/).
Next month’s IGDA Meet is a ‘Post Mortem’ discussion of “AFL Live”, developed in Melbourne by Big Ant Studios (X360 and PS3) and Wicked Witch Software (Wii), and while I’m not exactly a footy fan, it’s looking to be a really interesting glimpse behind the scenes in development.